Why Travel

Siem Reap
Siem Reap

Travel is the best way to learn about life. All the best stories are happening out there. It makes you realize that there is a bigger world where life runs completely different with yours. It opens up all possibilities. It gives you more courage to try all risks and uncertainties. Exactly what you need in a world full of surprises and mysteries.


Travel changes you. Big time.

Your heart will beat like a madman and your eyes will swell with wonder. You’ll meet people of different backgrounds and they’ll pique your interest. You’ll be stunned with their experiences and you’ll bleed with their emotions. You’ll never realize until then that movies duplicate realities. So, the next time you meet someone who resembles the same story, you’ll have a deeper connection.

Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh

You’ll never really understand why people fight for diversity and celebrate individuality unless you let yourself discover it. You’ve never really seen hunger if you haven’t been to poor countries. You’ve never really felt compassion if you haven’t seen genuine struggles. Along the way, you’ll never define kindness and resilience the same way you describe it before.


If fairytale-like moments exist, then heart-wrenching tragedies exist. Just because things are not happening on your doorstep doesn’t mean they do not exist. Just because people live and look differently doesn’t mean they are horrible and inferior.


Travel gives you a new sense of respect and appreciation to everything around you. It leaves you with a wonderful feeling that you’ve enriched yourself. That you can also make a difference. That there is something more than life in facebook or instagram.


Life is full of surprises so learn to love it. The world is waiting for you to uncover its secrets. There is always the fun part but more than that; it is going back home wiser, stronger and a better person.


Travel and you’ll understand why people choose to do so. Because you’ll never really understand why unless you do so.


Photos are from Edinburgh, Siem Reap, Wales, Ho Chi Minh, Manchester, London, Philippines, Singapore, Bangkok and Glasgow.

The gay pride parade is from my friend Ashley. I ran out of battery so unfortunately, I wasn’t able to capture it.


  1. Great post, and so very true. I’ve learned and experienced things throughout my travels, and met beautiful people with moving stories, that I never would have otherwise.

    Can’t live without that passport 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on creatortruthlove and commented:
    I thought the same and travelled the world in my first stage of getting the chance. But now it seems useless in others view. It does not matter what is your feeling. The main thing is what others think of you. There are not people who understand the meaning of life. There are machine who understand the motions.


  3. I couldn’t agree more about how in travelling, you learn more about yourself and hopefully become a wiser better person for it. I love all your commentary in between.

    Liked by 1 person

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